Take advantage of the Season’s Best lighting rebates and save up to 70% off of your energy bill
AALED specializes in retrofits and government rebates for businesses big and small. Let us help you reduce your energy bill and save more on annual energy costs.
No paperwork required.
ready to start saving? We can help.
Got a retrofit project? get instant discounts!
With an average savings of $49 per fixture, our competitive pricing and top-quality products can help you save more than just energy.
ready to start saving? We can help.
As a master rebate distributor, AALED handles the entire rebate application process, making it even easier for you to improve your bottom line and save more on your overhead costs.
How does it work?
In order to receive your instant discounts, each retrofit project must meet the following criteria:
Headquartered in North York, we have established ourselves as the foremost authority in LED lighting consulting and wholesale distribution. We’re well versed in provincial rebate programs and applications from lighting energy savings to EV chargers – proudly serving North America with a legacy spanning over 17 years.